Let’s bring your health into harmony.

Here to help you

fix your gut and

harness your hormones

We are a good fit if…

  • You feel tired of hearing your physician tell you that your bloodwork is “normal”, but deep down you know something is off. 
  • You have dug into blogs,  watched a myriad of Youtube videos, had spent hours scrolling through Instagram reels and have learned so much about your body, but still don’t know how to get the results you want!
  • You are feeling gassy and bloated after a meal, your belly doesn’t feel comfortable in your pants and you get nervous whenever you’re invited to a dinner party!
  • You are looking for a caring practitioner who listens to you, supports you and empowers you!

 If this sounds like you, I’ve got you!


Your hormonal health, skin health and brain health pivot around your gut health

The health of the gut is intricately connected to the well-being of other organs and systems in the body. This complexity highlights the profound influence the gut has on various aspects of the health: 

1- Endocrine System: Certain hormones are influenced by signals from the gut. The gut microbiome can impact the production and balance of hormones, influencing our endocrine function. In addition, the gut microbiome can impact the metabolism of estrogen and other sex hormones. 

2- Skin: skin conditions like acne, eczema, and psoriasis can be influenced by gut health. An unhealthy gut can lead to systemic inflammation, which may exacerbate skin issues. 

3- The Brain: The gut and the brain communicate bidirectionally through the “gut-brain-axis”. This communication influences mood, emotions, and cognitive function. 




Bloated? Constipated? Fatigued?

As your naturopathic doctor and health cheerleader, I’m here to help you transform your health and restore your digestion through the 7-step process I developed, the Gut Renovation method.

This program integrates evidence-based protocols into your individualized needs to improve your gut challenges and target your health goals.

The Gut Renovation Method 


Identifying the root causes of the gut issue through a comprehensive intake and diagnostic tools 


Understanding your health goals, estimating the essential products required, budget and healing timeline


Eliminating the gut trouble-makers and aggravating factors


Eradicating bugs or unnecessary gut bacteria/ reducing inflammation


Wound healing, restoring the gut brush border, and repairing the gut cellular integrity


Reintroducing gut microbiome and the eliminated foods


Focusing on the foundations of health to reduce the chance of relapse and maintain the smooth function of the gastrointestinal system

About me


I’m Dr. Negin, a naturopathic doctor, a (former) medical doctor, an entrepreneur, a plant-lover and a mom. 

Holding two doctorate degrees, you can tell that I have devoted my life to medicine and learning about the human body. My passion for helping people and easing their suffering led me to start my journey at the Shiraz University of Medical Sciences in Iran.

Fast forward 8 years, I found myself working in emergency rooms and outpatient clinics, seeing hundreds of patients every week, and hearing similar stories that could have been prevented or healed at the early stages of a disease, if only we knew about holistic medicine! This prompted me to study naturopathic medicine to bridge this gap and redefine wellness.

I completed the 4-year post graduate program at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM) which includes a rigorous year of clinical internship at the Robert Schad Naturopathic Clinic. I observed the subtle yet powerful benefits of natural therapies to restore health harmony. I strongly believe in the power of mind over body and the innate healing ability of our bodies.

I’ve seen different aspects of medicine, from Western to Eastern, from synthetic medications to natural remedies, from emergency medicine to long-term care. I’m beyond excited and highly determined to apply the knowledge and experience I’ve gained to make a positive change in people’s lives and create calm and comfort for my patients.

naturopathic doctor in downtown Toronto

My Approach

Initial assessment: Holistic medicine sees the body as a whole system rather than focusing on the symptoms and alleviating them. I utilize the foundations of holistic health to investigate your lifestyle including your nutrition status, sleep pattern, level of physical movement, your social well-being and emotional health, as well as your symptoms and complaints. I use all this information to find out the root cause of your issues.
Education: A large part of my practice is focused on educating my patients. You’ll see me using illustrations and examples to simplify body functions and disease mechanisms, making sure my patients understand the underlying causes of their symptoms. I answer your questions, from silly to serious, and make sure that no one leaves the door confused or uncertain about their health and wellness plan.

Treatment: I deeply believe in the hierarchy of treatment (the therapeutic order). I believe that healing begins long before the need for a prescription. The foods we eat,  the quality of the sleep, the movement of the body and chronic stress are the very first leading factors to a disease. These factors are even strong enough to determine which genes express or suppress.

After calibrating the foundations of health, if your symptoms still persist, I may use natural remedies or orthomolecular medicine (supplements) to restore the weakened systems.

Follow-up: Consistency and continuity of the care are the key components when it comes to naturopathic therapies. Making lifestyle changes can be challenging in some occasions. Follow-up visits are meant to maintain the continuity of the care, reassess and celebrate the achievements.

Referral: Your health is my number one priority. Depending on your case, I may need to refer you to a medical doctor, a chiropractic doctor, a physiotherapist or other healthcare professionals for further support.

Areas of focus:

Gut Health

IBS, SIBO, Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), Acid Reflux, Bloating, Constipation


PCOS, PMS, Endometriosis, Irregular Period, Menopause, Male hormones, Hypothyroidism

Prenatal Care

Pregnancy Support, Labour Preparation, Postpartum Care

Routine Check-up

Screening Adult and Pediatric Physical Examination, PAP Smear Test

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In-person and virtual visits are available to Ontario (Canada) residents.


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